Helping brands find their voice—then use it.

I write eye-catching copy and click-worthy content for outfits big, small and medium-sized—and I’m available for commission. Looking for words to grow your business? Let's talk.

Some words I prepared earlier:



When Porsche launched their ‘More of What You Love’ campaign in 2020, they hired me (via Proximity Worldwide) to produce a digital magazine’s worth of articles that the general sportscar-buying public would actually want to read.


Job-finding app Supp hired me to write everything from UX copy for their app through to blog posts and page copy for their website. I also produced press releases, newsletters, tweets—I could go on, but it’d be quicker to say that when Supp needed words, I wrote them.


Telstra was one of the bigger clients I worked for at CHE Proximity. I mainly wrote SEO-savvy content for their Smarter Business website and Business Intelligence reports, providing real-world advice for the country’s small- and medium-sized businesses.

Hello Human

New York PR firm Hello Human wanted a website that reflected their down-to-earth values (while also drumming up business). I was hired to produce page copy that sold Hello Human’s services without making them sound like, you know, a PR firm.