Hickorees Tree Swing

Here’s a little-known fact about former Prime Minister Paul Keating: he used to jump on a trampoline because he believed it would rid his body of cancer. Something about the weightlessness experienced at the apex of the jump, after the body had risen but before it fell, annihilating cancer cells for some reason. It’s probably baloney, but the image of our lankiest PM jumping on a trampoline, in full business suit, is hard to shake.

While the health benefits of the tree-based swing are even more negligible, the process is just as enjoyable. Easier to accomplish, too. All you need is a tree, some rope and another tree from which to carve out the swing’s saddle. Or just order one from Hickorees. Ward Long, who made this swing, recommends using reclaimed elm, though he says you can use any strong hardwood as long as it’s kiln-dried and finished with a coat of mineral oil. He also reckons adults should most definitely use swings “as often as needed, preferably when the weather is nice, over a fresh-cut lawn or a cool body of water”. Unlike the PM, we think he’s probably right.

Published in Smith Journal, March 2013